Propaganda: Staple of Life

Propaganda is such a loaded word
People rarely define it except as lies

What comes to your mind when you hear the word, propaganda? I was told the other day that it is only propaganda when it contains lies. But, it this true. “In the twentieth century, the term propaganda has often been associated with a manipulative approach, but propaganda historically was a neutral descriptive term (Wikipedia).”  For a republican form of government to work effectively requires an informed voter; but, can the voter find clear unbiased information? Continue reading “Propaganda: Staple of Life”

Science of Lies

Ancients believed space filled with ether
You were taught space is empty: Wrong

Turns out the ancients were right in concept but limited in technology. Space is not empty but for a few grains of occasional dust and a comet or two. The problem is that government and science knew this also, since early days of rocket exploration of space (Magnetosphere. Science Direct). The above graphic shows our solar system crossing our galaxy’s plane in our galactic orbit exposing us to a slew of forces invisible to the five senses. There is another secret: it is these slew of space forces {ether} that determines much of our weather. Shh! You are not suppose to know this! Continue reading “Science of Lies”

Astroturfing the Internet

Crowd Screamed, “Crucify Him!”
It appeared majority had spoken

Pilat could find no crime worthy of death; yet, Jesus was brought to him for just this purpose. He finally appealed to the crowd, tyranny of the majority, to determine Christ’s sentence. The crowd of hundreds if not thousands seemed a legitimate sample of the people. Thus, Christ was condemned. However, today we would call this astroturfing and I see it as another means of reflexivity (Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate). Continue reading “Astroturfing the Internet”

Charity (Welfare) is Power to the State

Charity as Practiced by Government:
Transfer of Power from You to IT!

I have been reading, The Welfare of Nations (James Bartholomew. 2016. Cato.) as he discusses the various aspects of welfare from an international perspective. Though he does not espouse a Christian perspective, his inclusion of data from multiple sources around the globe lead to one inescapable conclusion: Continue reading “Charity (Welfare) is Power to the State”

Lying – The State of All Nations

Lying Gossip Words

The Essence of Man’s Communications
Lie, Gossip, Hate, Steal

During this presidential election year I am amazed at the lack of biblical understanding Christians display. My basic premise is that all people are sinful (Christians are saved sinners who still sin), sinful people form governments that mirror their sinfulness, people who lead those governments are sinners who mirror the electorate who allow them to lead. Continue reading “Lying – The State of All Nations”