Loyalty: Evidence of Love

Loyalty is a Bargaining Commodity to the Lost

Loyalty: Evidence of Love
Or a Bargaining Commodity?

For years I struggled to understand Love. The confusing messages of Love I obtained from movies, music and literature varied from outright sexual lust to inexplicable feelings to outright manipulation to self-sacrifice for other’s desires. The Christian camps out in a selection of verses that do not explain love but does detail what love looks like (1Co 13:4-8). Often Christians simply hide behind, “Jesus is Love,” which explains nothing. Finally, I have come to understand that love is about loyalty. But, what is loyalty? Continue reading “Loyalty: Evidence of Love”

Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel

Cultural Marxism is Itself Racist Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel;
Critical Race Subset of Critical Theory Marxism

Though Critical Theory (CT) appears to have come out of nowhere in the past decade or so, it has been fermenting in the shadows since the early 20th century with the failure of Economic Marxism {Karl Marx’s original postulate}. It was growing in the shadows watered by the writings of Antonio Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Fabian Society, Herbert Marcuse and several others but its real father was Hegel. However, even further in the shadows were those who slowly financed and nurtured this distorted abomination through several front organizations such as Soros’ Open Society Foundations and World Economic Forum. Today it is known as Wokeness to disguise its true origins, Marxism, and its true goal: Revolution; Slavery of You! Continue reading “Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel”

“All men created equal” from a Deist? Really!

Men Created Equal Deist Propaganda

“All men created equal,” from a Deist? Really!
From a Man Who Hated Christ’s Atonement!

As America comes upon another July 4th Independence holiday, propagandists of all ilks trot out their trite and true talking points to persuade YOU how and what to think. Americans have been so propagandized into their founding myths that they strongly reject any interdiction of truth lest they have to reshape their entire worldview. For example, according to Alexander Del Mar the American colonist’s revolution against Great Britain had little to do with liberty and nearly everything to do with revolt against their central bank: Bank of England {“New” World Order Criminal Bankers Caused the American Revolution. Best Evidence. Youtube.}. However, you do not get people to risk their lives for your money; therefore, you have to convince them to risk their lives for their supposed issue which you then define for them. Hence, the goal of all propagandists. Are you angry yet? Continue reading ““All men created equal” from a Deist? Really!”

Luciferianism the Great Deceiver

Luciferianism Underlies All But Jesus

Luciferianism Undergirds ALL Faiths
Except Biblical Gospel of God’s Grace

Luciferianism the Great Deceiver is the basis of all religions of works including atheism. It is the religion all peoples are born into regardless of their ethnicity or cultural beliefs. Luciferianism is the basis of all governments, wars and deaths (Ge 2:16-17). There are only two belief systems in the world: God’s, as revealed in His Bible, and Luciferianism, flows from the Accuser and the heart of all lost people (Je 17:9; Ro 1:18-25; 3:23; 6:23). Luciferianism comes in many forms but its object of worship is always the same: worship of Satan and his demons, the fallen angels (De 32:15-18; 1Co 10:20).
Continue reading “Luciferianism the Great Deceiver”

What is Your Truth Source?

Asebeia Truth (Lie)

Asebeia Life Truth
Navigating Life

What is Your Truth Source? I do not ask this from a Postmodern perspective your truth is right only for you. This answer is meaningless as a basis for discussing any truth among people and it is not honest. Events of the past twenty years have shown that people must have the right truth or be rejected from society; basis of today’s cancel culture. The question rings down through history since Adam but specifically from Pilate’s discussion with Christ (Jn 18:37-38). This question is vital in everyone’s life to understand the one choice that lasts throughout eternity: salvation. Continue reading “What is Your Truth Source?”

Populism and Spiritualism in Today’s Politics

Nothing Appears More Apt to Divide
As Populist Movements Uniting Together

America is once again gearing up for another presidential election circus. President Trump won the presidency in 2016 against most odds because he appealed to the voters of America’s heartland; thus, he became known as a populist president. This year the Democrats are trying to outdo each other in bidding for the Democratic populist base. I guess, if you didn’t beat him, join or use his methods. And, Christians generally are bemoaning the loss of God’s hand on America as morality takes a nose dive into debauchery. But then again, American politics has always been a combination of populism and spiritualism. Continue reading “Populism and Spiritualism in Today’s Politics”

Which Gospel?

The Answer depends on One’s Definition
Law of Identity Can Force a False Dilemma

Paul used this phrase, “…according to my gospel…” in his Roman epistle {letter} (Ro 2:16). Scholars have debated the meaning of this phrase down through the centuries. As is true of most discussions, one’s position is defined by the very definition one chooses to apply {Law of Identity}. The term gospel simply means good message in the Greek {εὐαγγέλιον}. Many scholars have postulated that Paul was indeed preaching a different gospel from Jesus’ message in the four books commonly referred to as the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. What does gospel means to you? Continue reading “Which Gospel?”

Was Paul a Rogue Disciple?

Every So Often in Church History Dispute Arises
Does Paul’s Gospel Differ from Jesus’ Gospel?

In our time there is another round of dispute comparing Paul’s Gospel with Jesus’ Gospel, and by implication the Apostle’s Gospel as they received their truth directly from Christ. Today’s dispute flies under the title of New Perspectives on Paul (NPP) which claims to bring new clarity to this discussion but actually engenders disputes (1Ti 6:20-21). First, what does the Bible teach? That should be the starting point for every godly discussion concerning the faith (Jude 18-21). Continue reading “Was Paul a Rogue Disciple?”

Illusion of Choice: Delusion

The Illusion of the Matrix was Choice
The Illusion of its Ending: One Had Choice

Neo, acronym for one, believed he would find choice if he could leave the Matrix. By becoming the One the Architect told him that his choice was already predetermined, even if by his own nature; thus, he still did not have choice. By dying he thought he was insuring choice for mankind’s survivors; however, they too were bound by their own natures. Thus, choice is always an illusion. This is the carrot of Lucifer, that the Lost have choice; unfortunately, the stick is that they have no choice for the things of God are rejected by their own natures as being foolish (1Co 2:14). Continue reading “Illusion of Choice: Delusion”

Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism

Common Definition of Social Gospel
However, It’s assumptions were incorrect!

From Rousseau came the French Revolution which became the basis for Marxist Socialism {commonly misnamed Communism} that later became the Soviet Revolution. However, socialism did not begin nor end with violent socialism. In England as in America a Middle Way socialism came into being. It sprang from several springs nearly simultaneously such as Progressivism and the Social Gospel movement; however, these all merged into national socialism which was labeled the Progressive Era. America’s socialism hid behind the flag of two world wars and several minor wars before emerging as today’s Social Justice movement. Thus, while national socialism was defeated in Europe, Germany and Italy, it quietly grew stronger in America and its Western allies. Today the battle is not between liberty and socialism as some would have you believe. The battle is simply between flavors of socialism; i.e., national socialism or international socialism, commonly labeled as globalism. Continue reading “Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism”