When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization

Social Contract Redefined in Great Reset

When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization!
Pandemic Relief Linked to Globalized Financial Goals?

Conspiracy Theory is a pejorative to delegitimize opposition without having to logically defend one’s position; hence, it becomes a logical fallacy that shows the weakness of one’s true position. This is the purpose of secretive plans; to prevent detection until such time as detection no longer matters; or, to put it more succinctly, “Resistance is futile!” Our last post, The Social Contract Myth, discussed the foundational mythology to keep the masses distracted while Control was slowly consolidated through various mechanisms. Hence, conspiracy theories abounded. I would not be surprised if the powers that be were not also encouraging these to keep you distracted from the ultimate goal. Now however, these powers that be are writing the articles revealing, in stages, their immediate goals for you. The Conspiracy Theory turned Reality in your time! Continue reading “When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization”

God Offered Cain Control

Cain Rejected Repentance

Cain Told he had to Control His Sin;
Cain Opted to Control Others Instead

Building on our last post, Controlling Fear: Cain and Abel, we come to learn about the futility of self-control of one’s self. Today’s emphasis of self-esteem, promises self-control; or at least the option of ignoring those who challenge your own view of yourself. Maslow labeled this quality as self-actualization and claimed it to be a mark of the completely healthy psychological being freed from the constraints of society (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.). Basically the self-actuated person does not need others nor their value judgments; he, or she, meets their own needs regardless of what others think. The fruit of this has been the American phenomenon of the serial killer(s). To understand the failure of self-actualization one only needs to understand Cain’s murder of Abel (Ge 4:1-16). Continue reading “God Offered Cain Control”

China and the Great Reset

China Key to U.S. Economic Ruin

China and the Great Reset will be an Economic Battleground
U.S.’s Trillions of Dollars of Debt will come due with Cryptocurrency

China and the Great Reset is not some fantasy pipe dream but an integral link in the plan to control America via economic means. Mr. Hayek warned of this in his work, Road to Serfdom, written in 1944. Western nations were warned that crony capitalism {today’s terminology} and uncontrolled spending would result in slavery via socialism. This is the lesson Mr. Hayek learned from Mr. Hitler’s Germany and which the Western nations devoutly ignored. The Great Reset will not be a military coup; it will be first and foremost an economic coup that will quietly replace literal currency with digital cryptocurrency. Once the means of economic transactions are controlled, the nation is controlled. That is expected to begin in 2021 regardless of who wins the presidency. Continue reading “China and the Great Reset”

Remaking the World for Socialism

The Present is built upon the Past
Redefining the Past Channels the Future

It began with Western 20th century fratricide (Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. Buchanan, PJ. 2008.) : The Great War in two parts that not only destroyed its Judeo-Christian ethos but then unleashed its major religious opponents: atheistic Socialism which is eroding the gains of free market economics and maniacal Islam which is eroding the very basis of this culture supplanting it with its own incoherent values of slavery. Behind the scenes are the elites who have no fear to publicly state their goals—to remake the world in their image. The mechanism to make this palatable to the general population to gain their consent, and thus reduce violence, is climate change. Continue reading “Remaking the World for Socialism”

Social Justice is International Socialism

Social Justice claims to promote equality
However, it actually promotes inequality

In our previous posts (Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism and Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism) I discussed how the Social Gospel movement destroyed the biblical {absolute truth of God’s moral law (Ten Words)} foundation of most denominations. In a sense it was a blow against the pietism forced onto the population via the power of the state by the minority believers. Postmodernism substituted experience as the criteria for deciding good and evil as defined by each individual; i.e., relative values and higher self-esteem became the norms. However, this unleashed an unprecedented wave of violence, mass shootings, especially among teens who were simply implementing what they had been taught. The Social Justice movement grew out of both the Social Gospel and Postmodern movements to develop a two-prong attack. The first prong: Destruction of national socialism and sovereignty with the consent of the governed. The second prong: Rejection of personal responsibility for one’s current position in life.
Continue reading “Social Justice is International Socialism”

Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You

Context for spread of Socialism: Equality
Reality for spread of Socialism: Fraternity

While usually discussed in economic terms: socialism being versus laissez faire markets the truth is much broader in scope. The French Revolution was the first to join equality and fraternity together with a form of socialism under the false flag of liberty; a cover palpable to the general populace. This formula is still used today, even in America. However, all the slogans, the promises and the countless millions of lives sacrificed the reality remains the same. Governments fear sinners. Continue reading “Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You”

Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate

Mr. Soros coined the term Reflexivity to Legitimize
Using false info to achieve the goal-Globalization

Building on our last post (Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians) Dr. Popper {London School of Economics} gained a disciple, Mr. George Soros, who added to Dr. Popper’s theories by developing his Theory of Reflexivity. This theory became another major tool to achieve the goal of Open Societies otherwise known as globalization. At its most fundamental this theory legitimizes the use of false information to influence and achieve one’s goal; i.e., lying is okay if it helps you to reach the goal. Obviously this directly violates the Ninth Word {Commandment} against lying (Ex 20:16). Continue reading “Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate”

The Government We Deserve

International Best Seller Defining
Utopia of Military Socialism

Government is a true religion: it has its dogmas, its mysteries, its priests. To submit it to the individual discussion is to destroy it; it is given life only through the national mind, that is to say, by political faith, which is a creed” {Joseph de Maistre}. On this Memorial Day when Americans claim to mourn those who gave their lives defending America it is only fitting that we who are alive clearly understand what this holiday really means. Continue reading “The Government We Deserve”

A Fantastic Plot and How to Embrace It

Were You Watching? Did You See?
Did You Embrace the Plot?

I am interested in the how the movies seek to indoctrinate their viewers with their vision of our future; in other words, is the plot of the movie the real plot or is it hidden just behind the story? Continue reading “A Fantastic Plot and How to Embrace It”