Ad Hominem Logic

Notice the Subtle False Dilemma
Knowledge: Empirical or Inherited

During the current Coronal Virus craze, newscasters seek to propagate their political agendas using science via scientific modeling while using ad hominem attacks against those with whom they disagree. Not only do these sources exhibit ignorance of basic scientific modeling shortcomings but of the scientific method in general. Simply Psychology in the article, Psychology as Science, define empiricism as all knowledge as either gained through our senses or inherited. But scientific empiricism adds the requirement of testability of such knowledge; if it cannot be tested then it is not empirical though it may in fact be knowledge (Science Daily. Empiricism.). The debate of ideas is probably one of the most fertile fallacies propagated in our supposedly scientific society. Continue reading “Ad Hominem Logic”

A “No True Scotsman” World

The “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy
Dominates Nearly Every Discussion Today

When a universal (“all”, “every”, etc.) claim is refuted, rather than conceding the point or meaningfully revising the claim, the claim is altered by going from universal to specific, and failing to give any objective criteria for the specificity (Logically Fallacious). In short what means is that nearly every discussion today is couched in “all or nothing” rhetoric; when exceptions are introduced the response is, “no true (fill in the blank) would be an exception. As the above graphic depicts, “All fundamental Christians are politically conservative, gun owners, anti-poor rednecks. Many fundamental Christians do not hold to these absolute views; therefore, they are not true Christians!” Continue reading “A “No True Scotsman” World”

Fallacy of Nonjudgmental Empathy

Empathy has grown to such proportions
it is even used to define morality

What is empathy? In the pseudo-science of psychology the answer would be multi-faceted since empathy has grown into a tree with roots in nearly aspect of human behavior, including morality. These “professional” experts would deem any answer that we might hazard to be ridiculous and ourselves ignorant. Continue reading “Fallacy of Nonjudgmental Empathy”

Omniscience of Atheism

Atheists Proof

The Paradox of Atheism
Knowledge of the Metaphysical
Logical Fallacy of Shifting the Burden of Proof

I was thinking about the “Liar’s Paradox” this morning when I realized its application to atheism. Essentially the Liar’s Paradox says, “This sentence is false.” However, if it is a lie then the sentence is true! If one says, “This sentence is true,” then it is also a true statement. When taken without context the statement is true either way. The same can be said for atheism. Continue reading “Omniscience of Atheism”