Islam: Illogic of Contradictory Dualism

Western Minds Think in Unitary Logic
Two Concepts Cannot Be Contradictory and True

The Western Mind or Worldview has been trained in the Judeo-Christian:Greco-Roman tradition of logic. Through the use of the Bible we have been taught a unitary value set based on the Ten Words {Ten Commandments} (Ex 20:1-17). This is a system of absolute right and wrong; i.e., lying is not truth and truth is not deceit. In addition, Scripture also taught that this one set of right and wrong applies to everyone without exception (Ex 12:49). The last leg of this unitary logic was given by Christ, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Le 19:17-18Mk 12:31). Continue reading “Islam: Illogic of Contradictory Dualism”

Jihad is Life to Some – Death to Others

Understanding Quranic Jihad
Requires Understanding the Code

Most kufar {non-Muslims} have little understanding of Jihad  {struggle} as defined in the Quran, Sira {Life of Mohammed} and Hadith {Actions of Mohammed}. The above Quranic quote appears to be tolerant about Jihad (without the context of the Sira and Hadith); however, when put in historical context this illusion quickly dissipates. Continue reading “Jihad is Life to Some – Death to Others”