Lies All Media Tell You

Media Lies to Everyone

All Media Lies to YOU;
Media Does Not Lie to Its Master

Lies All Media Tell You impacted me back in the 1990s while listening to Rush Limbaugh’s radio talk show. During this one episode Mr. Limbaugh was berating his listening audience demanding that he run for political office and bring true conservative beliefs to Washington. He bluntly told his audience that he was an entertainer and people should not take his rhetoric seriously. From that moment onward I stopped listening to him. Sadly, I was again duped though I should have known better since I was older.  Continue reading “Lies All Media Tell You”

Unbiased Worldviews are Incoherent

World Equates Biases with Prejudice
Unbiasedness Must Therefore be Good

This of course is the False Dilemma logical fallacy forcing a conclusion which appears correct but is in fact incorrect. Both the Lost and Christians charge into this false dilemma based on false assumptions, incorrect worldviews and willful ignorance of history.  In fact, without bias one cannot have a coherent worldview of any sort! Continue reading “Unbiased Worldviews are Incoherent”

Propaganda: Bias of Perspective

Mr. D’Souza’s Excellent Book Reveals
One “Big” Lie While Hiding Another – Bias

I thoroughly enjoyed most of The Big Lie by Mr. Dinesh D’Souza as he uses history to clarify the positions of the Democratic Party of the 19th century and how they developed into Progressivism and then Fascism in the 20th century. I explored these issues in my last post, Lies of the Political Spectrum. Continue reading “Propaganda: Bias of Perspective”

Fallacy of Nonjudgmental Empathy

Empathy has grown to such proportions
it is even used to define morality

What is empathy? In the pseudo-science of psychology the answer would be multi-faceted since empathy has grown into a tree with roots in nearly aspect of human behavior, including morality. These “professional” experts would deem any answer that we might hazard to be ridiculous and ourselves ignorant. Continue reading “Fallacy of Nonjudgmental Empathy”