Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel

Cultural Marxism is Itself Racist Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel;
Critical Race Subset of Critical Theory Marxism

Though Critical Theory (CT) appears to have come out of nowhere in the past decade or so, it has been fermenting in the shadows since the early 20th century with the failure of Economic Marxism {Karl Marx’s original postulate}. It was growing in the shadows watered by the writings of Antonio Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Fabian Society, Herbert Marcuse and several others but its real father was Hegel. However, even further in the shadows were those who slowly financed and nurtured this distorted abomination through several front organizations such as Soros’ Open Society Foundations and World Economic Forum. Today it is known as Wokeness to disguise its true origins, Marxism, and its true goal: Revolution; Slavery of You! Continue reading “Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel”

Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny

 Events in Genesis Capture the Imagination
But Defy Credibility Yet Nimrod Was as Cain

Historians, scientists and even religionists reject the truth of the first eleven chapters of Genesis. A six-day creation, worldwide cataclysm {Flood}, survival of mankind on an unguided ark and the astounding story of how languages came into existence sound more like Tolkien’s fantasy than factual historical events. Even Christians teach this section of Genesis as stories and thus as not real events. However, I beg to differ. Using the normative hermeneutical interpretive technique I will show that not only was Nimrod very real but the danger he posed would have undone the reason for the Cataclysm: preservation of the Gospel and hope of salvation of people past, present and future. Continue reading “Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny”

Brief View of the Ascending Sacrifice

First Sacrifice in the Bible Was the
Ascending Sacrifice usually called “Burnt”

Animal sacrifices today are an aberration since the death of Christ on the stauros {tree}. Let us briefly look at the original sacrifice in the Bible and follow its path in the Bible until we arrive at an unholy sacrifice because of the ignorance of its participants. Continue reading “Brief View of the Ascending Sacrifice”

Racism: The Myth of Our Day

This common platitude expresses ignorance
of both the Bible and common observation

Racism is the catchphrase of the day being touted as the major sin and the basis for justifying incredible personal and social violence that has not been seen in America since the heyday of the 1960s. According to Merriam-Webster, racism is “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” The above graphic succinctly expresses the ignorance permeating preventing rational discussion of this issue. The problem is violation of the Law of Identity of Logic. Racism demands that there be at least two different races; there is only one race. Continue reading “Racism: The Myth of Our Day”

Understanding True Jewry – Ascending Offering

Sacrifice Noah's

First Alter and Offering by Fire
Noah After Leaving the Ark

A major problem of Christians evangelizing Jews is understanding the Hebrew Bible. For example, the term “burnt offering”, so common in the English translations, actually means “Ascending Offering”. The Hebrew word holem, translated as burnt offering, means to ascend; in other words, Noah offered up an Ascending Offering to the Lord (Ge 8:20-22). Continue reading “Understanding True Jewry – Ascending Offering”