Sin’s Concealed Threat: Pain and Violence

Sin Always Implies Violence {Pain, Anger}
Euphemism for Love-Making is Struggle

Sin’s Concealed Threat: Pain and Violence; is evident from the inception of Satan’s sin (Ez 28:16-17). Christ affirmed that sinners mimic their father, Satan, a liar and murderer from his first sin (Jn 8:44). History is the recording of organized violence on the governmental and ethnic-cultural-societal levels; i.e., mechanisms of Control. Therefore, Control seeks to woo its adherents to their fate via Lust of Eye, Lust of the Flesh and Pride of Life {Carrots}; however, force {Stick} is always available should people refuse Control (1Jo 2:15-16; Ja 4:1-4). Expecting peace from sinners is the very essence of insanity for the peace of God is beyond their understanding; and ours if we be honest (Ro 5:6-11; Ph 4:5-7). Continue reading “Sin’s Concealed Threat: Pain and Violence”

Anger: Thwarted Covetousness

Anger, though disguised as many emotions,
is the base emotion of sinful covetousness

The world system {Lost} has a difficult task to define anger, condemn anger but at the same time use anger to justify its hostility toward the saved of God. The major reason the world cannot bring itself to condemn Islamic wrath against Christians is that the world hates the truth of God. Muslims become the unwitting tool of the World until they are no longer useful. Continue reading “Anger: Thwarted Covetousness”

Scoffers: Trapped in Sin

Scoffers Use Sarcasm and Laughter
Elevating Themselves at Other’s Expense

“Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you” (Pr 9:8). Scoff is an old English word meaning to “to speak derisively; mock; jeer” (Dictionary). You would know it better as sarcastic speech today. The Proverbs has much to say about scoffers, those who use sarcasm; none of it beneficial to the user nor the object of such contempt. Continue reading “Scoffers: Trapped in Sin”

Unity – The New Intolerance

Political Myth

The Electorate Fears Political Disunity
Yet, By Definition Different Political Views

Must Be Different, thus, Disunity

Much is being written about the recent spat of publicity surrounding the shootings both by the police and of the police. There are true and false positions on both sides of these issues. I listened in uncomfortable discomfiture when both political representatives spoke, both at the memorial and in other venues. Continue reading “Unity – The New Intolerance”