Tentacles of Reflexivity Remaking Your Society

Allure of Reflexivity at a Distance
Reveals its True Nature Once Ensnared

In my studies of the New Perspectives on Paul (NPP) (The New Perspective on Paul A Historical, Critical, Appraisal of a New Approach to Judaism and Paul. Chris Reeves.) I recognized the philosophical underpinnings of Reflexivity and its attendant Fertile Fallacies which I had previously discussed (Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate and Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism). Americans tend to think in discrete boxes; however, as I previously discussed (Modern Man’s Delusional Worldview), Satan works multidimensionally weaving his tentacles of deceit into a reinforcing framework of thought legitimizing his cause: show God as the author of evil {Theodicy}. Continue reading “Tentacles of Reflexivity Remaking Your Society”

Moral Injury: Another Defense of Sin

New Terminology Quietly Making Inroads
Redirecting Responsibility for Sin Away from You

Moral injury is quietly making its way into popular culture after percolating in the scientism wings for twenty years or so. I actually heard this term used on Facebook equating burnout with moral injury. Curious, I did a quick study to grasp the basic concept only to discover this was not new after all. It was just a repackaging of an ancient concept: responsibility for sin belongs to whom? Continue reading “Moral Injury: Another Defense of Sin”

Modern Man’s Delusional Worldview

Modern Man’s Delusional Worldview
Supported by Philosophy and Religion

The book of Job contains four false views of God based mainly on each person’s imagination. Job the pietistic, but lost religionist; Bildad the harsh legalistic moralist; Zophar the sarcastic scoffer; and Eliphaz the spiritualistic mystic. It is not until Elihu speaks that we discover Job’s true nature: sinful because he has condemned God rather than himself. God enters the scene instructing Job about his profound ignorance. This is when Job repents and experiences Old Testament salvation. This very first book penned is philosophical displaying man’s profound ignorance while wallowing in the mud of his knowledge (2Pe 2:20-22). Man had the truth of God but instead chose the fleeting pleasures of sin; and died (Ro 1:18-25; He 11:23-25). Continue reading “Modern Man’s Delusional Worldview”

Illusion as Reality Exposed by Solomon

Plato’s Cave Elegantly Depicted Illusion
His Error: Man Can Escape the Cave Alone

Plato wrote his work, Republic, approximately 520 B.C. in which he described The Cave. People are regulated to look only at the back wall and the shadows being cast there. This formed their reality; however, the shadows were being cast by people behind them. Thus, their reality was actually illusion propagated by others. Somehow one can release one’s self and start the journey toward the mouth of the cave and true reality; coming into the sunlight. This is a classic work’s based salvation that Paul condemns because one cannot save one’s self (Jo 6:44; Ro 4:13-14). Continue reading “Illusion as Reality Exposed by Solomon”

It’s Always About My Happiness

Most basic form of Utilitarianism:
My Happiness over Yours

I became acutely aware of how little people value rightness over happiness or pleasure. This is the essence of Utilitarianism; the philosophy first discussed by Jeremy Bentham and succinctly defined in the above graphic. A classic dichotomy in Utilitarianism is encapsulated in the Star Trek character of Mr. Spock, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the One,” to which Captain Kirk demonstrated, “The needs of the One may outweigh the needs of the many.” As a Christian, which position would you believe to be correct?
Continue reading “It’s Always About My Happiness”

Reformation: Legacy of Hatred

The Reformation Brought Freedom of Faith
The Reformation also Brought Endless Wars

As a Christian I am grateful to the revival of the true Gospel which is called the Reformation. Yet, it was an unintentional consequence of wanting a discussion of differences between Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and biblical hermeneutical interpretation by individuals rather than by the monolithic RCC via the Pope. The Reformation brought hope but it also entailed several hundred years of unrelenting and merciless wars across Europe. Violence that extends down to today’s political climate in America and across Europe; a climate of unrelenting hostility against those who think differently. Continue reading “Reformation: Legacy of Hatred”

Awokeness: Revivalism of Intolerance

Puritans Came to America to Make a
City on a Hill via Strong Central Government

I do not wish to disparage those beliefs that have the Gospel but errors in their doctrines because that would include everyone. Nor do I wish to give the impression that America’s various revivals were all evil for certainly people were saved. My point in this and other posts is to show how religion and government do not go together (Jo 18:33-37). The world governments quash the True Gospel while using false doctrine to advance their power and keep their citizens enslaved (Jo 16:33). However, Evangelicalism worships the American Awakenings by ignoring their effects on government and society until today it is overrun by the latest such awakening called the Awokeness Revival {Awakening}. Continue reading “Awokeness: Revivalism of Intolerance”

A “No True Scotsman” World

The “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy
Dominates Nearly Every Discussion Today

When a universal (“all”, “every”, etc.) claim is refuted, rather than conceding the point or meaningfully revising the claim, the claim is altered by going from universal to specific, and failing to give any objective criteria for the specificity (Logically Fallacious). In short what means is that nearly every discussion today is couched in “all or nothing” rhetoric; when exceptions are introduced the response is, “no true (fill in the blank) would be an exception. As the above graphic depicts, “All fundamental Christians are politically conservative, gun owners, anti-poor rednecks. Many fundamental Christians do not hold to these absolute views; therefore, they are not true Christians!” Continue reading “A “No True Scotsman” World”

Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism

PostModernism: Bridge between
Social Gospel and Social Justice movements

In our previous blog, Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism, I discussed how the various movements between 1880-1920 coincided with and supported the Social Gospel movement to destroy the true Gospel and the Bible. Since the Bible is the only source of absolute truth, and values, many denominations were cast adrift on the seas of secular humanism and relative values. The abandonment of biblical absolute values segued into the search for relative meaning such as in the Beat movement of the 1950s and the Hippie movement of the 1960s. The result was the birth of Postmodernism which was the abandonment of God in favor of anything but God and its attendant increase in societal violence. Continue reading “Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism”

Fallacy of Random Chance

Scientism depends heavily on Random
Chance to explain causality without God

Scientisms, especially evolution, depend heavily on changes occurring in a random chance fashion such that the end result is always the current reality. Since the end point must be the current reality random chance is an incoherent explanation. If random chance exists then any outcome would, of necessity, also be randomness based on chance, beyond one’s influence. Let us look at the world of random chance. Continue reading “Fallacy of Random Chance”