Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?

MAGA KKK vs Union League

Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?
Do You Know Whose Myth You Are Embracing?

America became inflamed under President Trump’s campaign slogan: Make America Great Again (MAGA)! He became the focus of the most polarizing divisive political polemic and governmental ostracization never before seen in America. His own government sought to obfuscate his policies, keep him from legitimate expressions of power inherent in the office of the Presidency and finally still seeks to prove him guilty of something in order to keep him from occupying the Oval Office again. However, let us remove our focus from. the man and concentrate on the slogan. What does it mean? To discuss it with any clarity we must explore its meaning; i.e., satisfying the Law of Identity. Certainly it can mean different things to different groups. But…what did it mean to President Trump and what does it still mean to You? Is it a truism or simply a propagandistic myth to Control you for other purposes? Continue reading “Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?”

Socialism: Control of False Judaism

False Judaism is Socialism

Socialism: Control of False Judaism;
Socialism: Triumph of False Judaism

Socialism: Control of False Judaism, has been well documented during the preceding two centuries and just as carefully tucked away through the auspices of public education systems of every modern nation. False Jews are those who reject Christ as Messiah; those whose hearts have not been changed as defined by Paul (Ro 2:28-29). Paul was referring to an inward change wrought by the New Covenant based on the sacrifice of Christ (Je 31:31-34; Ac 2:1-41; 2Co 5:17; He 10:12-14). True Jews are those, like Paul, who accepted Christ’s sacrifice; however, there remains a remnant of Jews yet to be called forth during the coming Great Tribulation to embrace Christ and evangelize the world despite opposition from the False Jews and the Antichrist (Ro 11:25-31). But, the False Jews and their Judaism has not been idle and today we are seeing their efforts coming to fruition in the form of socialism, or globalization.
Continue reading “Socialism: Control of False Judaism”

Sin: Coveting Control

Schematic of Point of Control: Man

ALL Sin Focuses on One Element: Man
Center of this Creation Coveting Control

In our current series discussing Control, we have traced its negative influence from its inception through the primary relationship of socialization, the family, into marriage, the basic building-block relationship of society {God Offered Cain Control; Controlling Fear: Cain and AbelControl’s Slavery of PeaceMarriage: Training for Control ViolenceControl Wealth to Control PeoplePurpose of Governments: Control.}. One of the most salient posts, Essence of Sin is Control sans Power, is probably the most difficult to grasp as people conflate Control with Power; however, the two are very different. Power is inherent in the nature of God; it is not endemic to His created beings: Angels and Mankind. Sin is the struggle for Control without Power against God’s Control: Coveting Control (Ge 3:5; Is 14:12-17).
Continue reading “Sin: Coveting Control”

Brief View of the Ascending Sacrifice

First Sacrifice in the Bible Was the
Ascending Sacrifice usually called “Burnt”

Animal sacrifices today are an aberration since the death of Christ on the stauros {tree}. Let us briefly look at the original sacrifice in the Bible and follow its path in the Bible until we arrive at an unholy sacrifice because of the ignorance of its participants. Continue reading “Brief View of the Ascending Sacrifice”

False Premise: Some Leaven is Good

False Premise: Some Leaven is Acceptable
Question: How much sin is allowed?

Continuing our discussions of sin and false premises let us apply what we have learned to our time. Christ told a parable, “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened (Mt 13:33).” This highly controversial parable is often taught as leaven being a good metaphor; however, this ignores the fact that leaven everywhere else in the Bible is considered a metaphor for sin {“Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth”} (1Co 5:6-8). Continue reading “False Premise: Some Leaven is Good”

Possible Basis of Islam – Noahide Laws

President and Congress Bound America to the Noahide Laws

The Noahide Laws are unknown to most Americans and unfortunately certain groups have shrouded the Noahide Laws in myth and conspiracy. Understanding this Talmudic Jewish concept of world order will help you in clearly decoding the rhetoric you will encounter when you research this topic. Continue reading “Possible Basis of Islam – Noahide Laws”

Islam: Illogic of Contradictory Dualism

Western Minds Think in Unitary Logic
Two Concepts Cannot Be Contradictory and True

The Western Mind or Worldview has been trained in the Judeo-Christian:Greco-Roman tradition of logic. Through the use of the Bible we have been taught a unitary value set based on the Ten Words {Ten Commandments} (Ex 20:1-17). This is a system of absolute right and wrong; i.e., lying is not truth and truth is not deceit. In addition, Scripture also taught that this one set of right and wrong applies to everyone without exception (Ex 12:49). The last leg of this unitary logic was given by Christ, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Le 19:17-18Mk 12:31). Continue reading “Islam: Illogic of Contradictory Dualism”

Islam: Strange Copy of Judaism

Christians Unaware of Influence
of the Talmud on Understanding Judaism

The Law of Moses {concerning mainly the cultic and civil laws} is the basis of the Jewish faith and culture and contained in the Pentateuch of the Bible {first five books}. Failure to follow the cultic and civil aspects of the Mosaic Law would result in oppression and eventual expulsion from the land {Israel} (De 28:58-67). Continue reading “Islam: Strange Copy of Judaism”

Globalism Comes Home to Roost

Judaism, Israel, Semitism, Zionism??

Today America’s Secretary of State Kerry made the bold statement that, “Israel can be Jewish or democratic – not both!” These headlines reverberated around the world garnering the headlines the outgoing Obama administration has craved ever since the electorate chose Mr. Trump as their next president. Continue reading “Globalism Comes Home to Roost”

Widow’s Offering Condemns Minimum Wage

Sculpture Widows Mite

Widow’s Offering
Christ’s Condemnation of Religion

The Gospels contain one of the most misunderstood observations of Christ that has great application to us today and I am referring to the Widow’s Offering at the Temple (Mk 12:41-44; Lk 21:1-4). Continue reading “Widow’s Offering Condemns Minimum Wage”