Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect

Balaam-Jezebel Effect(s)

Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect
Destroying the Family-Nation from Within

I have come to understand the Letters to the Churches of Revelation as Christ warning His Body (Church) about how they would be attacked then and down through history. Each letter displays a different facet of this overall coordinated attack designed to eliminate the Church and thus believers from existence. This strategy relies upon internal and external influences swaying believers to give up their belief system to adopt the World’s belief-morality system which is really Satan’s system. This strategy is also being used against non-Christian groups to bring everyone into line with one-belief system. It begins with the family. Continue reading “Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect”

FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World

Many heads of the Great Reset Hydra

FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World;
Cut Off One Head, Two More Appear-But Which One?

I bet dollars to donuts many of you have not heard about the FTX cryptocurrency scandal; and why should you? Most people either have not heard of cryptocurrency or have any inkling of what it is or of what value is it? Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is for the fringe conspiracy-freedom element or the ultra rich who have money to burn. Who cares if they get taken; they probably deserve it being so rich and all. And off you go about your daily business of watching your favorite propaganda show, keeping up with your favorite social media app or even watching the government approved news show. All of these are designed to keep you complacent while the Great Reset occurs around you. This innocuous scandal surrounds you with its spy-like plots guiding you into the great eugenics future of Effective Altruism (EA). Continue reading “FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World”

Unjust Steward: Condemnation of the Simple

World's System Thrives on Backroom Deals: Always

Unjust Steward: Condemnation of the Simple;
or How the World Truly Works

I struggled to understand why Christ appeared to commend the obviously crooked steward in this story while chastening believers supposedly for not using unrighteous mammon {elements of wealth and control} of this world (Lk 16:1-13). One of my foundational pillars of exegetical hermeneutics is when I do not understand the Bible I need to rethink my perspective rather than ignorantly interpret Scripture as I want to believe {eisegesis}. However, to explain the actual interpretation requires me to return us back to the Wizard of Oz to understand the purpose of the Yellow Brick Road and American public educational purposes {Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness.}. Continue reading “Unjust Steward: Condemnation of the Simple”

Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness

Overt Propaganda Message: Be Happy in Poverty

Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness Propaganda
Preparing America for Today’s Future

Listening to YouTube’s conservative pundits pontificate over Disney’s wokeness propaganda while opining over the tradition, read conservative, values of yesteryear made me wonder if they really understood Hollywood’s true role since its inception? D.W. Griffith’s, Birth of a Nation (1915), singlehandedly revived the Neo-Klu Klux Klan from the Whitehouse to the everyone’s house until the rise of the Civil Rights Movement in the late 1950s into the 1960s Western cultural revival. Hollywood has always been a propaganda mill to educate the masses in right-think. Let us briefly examine the 1939 classic, Wizard of Oz to understand how Hollywood is the propaganda tool of choice for influencing America and the World. Continue reading “Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness”

Prison of Silence

Indoctrination Leading to Death

Prison of Silence Rest on Social Indoctrination;
Not Discussing Religion and Politics is a Trap

Several people were bragging about how they avoided interpersonal conflict to achieve a wide circle of friends. They simply refused to discuss religion or politics; even going so far as to brag about not even watching the news to avoid any discussions that might lead to conflict. As these people patted each other on the back for their wisdom, they reminded me of hens who pecked the ground bare and congratulated each other on their thoroughness of creating dependence on the farmer for free food. The outcome unfortunately will be the same for both. Only the hens have an excuse as they are the actual dumb animals. Continue reading “Prison of Silence”

Science is Faith Inevitably Yielding Socialism and Scientism

Science Begins in the Mind; Hence, is Faith

Science is Faith Inevitably Yielding Socialism and Scientism
Masquerading as Facts These are Ungodly Linked Faiths

What is Science? We must answer this to satisfy the Law of Identity lest we too become victims of incoherent confirmation bias to arrive at any conclusion we deem appropriate. “Science begins with the null hypothesis, which assumes that the claim under investigation is not true until demonstrated otherwise…Failure to reject the null hypothesis does not make the claim false, and, conversely, rejecting the null hypothesis is not a warranty on truth” {What Skepticism Reveals about Science: A skeptic’s journey for truth in science. Scientific America.}. Skepticism is one of the cherished qualities of scientific inquiry; i.e., do not trust to that which cannot be tested by scientific experimentation. However, the author of our article notes that not everything can be tested. Thus, to rely on hypothesis that cannot be tested requires faith. What this means is that those who believe science the only means to define the knowable begin from a position of faith for assumptions are accepted as true though unprovable. Those who reject biblically based Christians as believers of myths are themselves guilty of doing the same. Thus, they consistently violated Law of Non-Contradiction. Continue reading “Science is Faith Inevitably Yielding Socialism and Scientism”

Spiritual Maturity is Not Control of Self: Road to Failure!

World Promotes Self-Control FailureSpiritual Maturity is Not Control of Self: Road to Failure!
Path Satan-World-Flesh Want You to Flounder Upon!

There is probably no single biblical concept so misrepresented resulting in failure leading to ruined lives than Self-Control! What is Self-Control? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this as, “restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires”. The New Testament uses the word ἐγκράτεια, egkrateia which classically means, one who has the power over oneself to moderate one’s desires. Over several thousand years the meaning has changed little. However, how does the Bible usage define Self-Control? We will look at several passages that discuss Self-Control without using the word in addition to the significant passage that uses this word as a fruit of the Spirit (Ga 5:22-23). We will begin from the position inherent with these two definitions for they lay the basis for your failure to Control Self.  Continue reading “Spiritual Maturity is Not Control of Self: Road to Failure!”

How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion: Hardened Heart

How Satan Hardens Your Sin Nature

How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion:
Hardened Heart in Continuous Rebellion Against God

Satan does not draft you or trick you or even have you agree to enter his kingdom; you were conceived in iniquity and already under a sentence of eternal death (Ps 51:5; Ep 2:1-3). Satan’s major effort is the continual Delusion of mankind keeping people from learning of the Gospel of eternal life in Christ (Ep 2:4-10). I will discuss the modern techniques and use modern examples discussing Satan’s processes. The goals of these attacks are to ensconce you in your innate sin nature so you inherently reject God and His Gospel; to sway the immature saved in Christ who do not learn from the Bible and to prepare Mankind to demand and receive his coming rule; i.e., agitate for Satan’s Delusion as something good when it actually will deliver Death, Disease, Famine and Distress.   Continue reading “How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion: Hardened Heart”

“All men created equal” from a Deist? Really!

Men Created Equal Deist Propaganda

“All men created equal,” from a Deist? Really!
From a Man Who Hated Christ’s Atonement!

As America comes upon another July 4th Independence holiday, propagandists of all ilks trot out their trite and true talking points to persuade YOU how and what to think. Americans have been so propagandized into their founding myths that they strongly reject any interdiction of truth lest they have to reshape their entire worldview. For example, according to Alexander Del Mar the American colonist’s revolution against Great Britain had little to do with liberty and nearly everything to do with revolt against their central bank: Bank of England {“New” World Order Criminal Bankers Caused the American Revolution. Best Evidence. Youtube.}. However, you do not get people to risk their lives for your money; therefore, you have to convince them to risk their lives for their supposed issue which you then define for them. Hence, the goal of all propagandists. Are you angry yet? Continue reading ““All men created equal” from a Deist? Really!”

Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself

LGBTQA+: Does Life Get Better?

Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself;
Has It Made Life Better or Incoherent?

This pleasing to the eye graphic is an example of Conversion as described in After the Ball: How America Will Conquer It’s Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s. This book did not begin the gay revolution; however, it did give activists the blueprint on how to use Bernays-style psychological driven propaganda methods to force acceptance of the Gay Agenda over time. Necessity makes strange bedfellows, pun intended, and in their quest for legitimacy the Gay activists joined with allies to increase their impact. These allies will not only devour the Gay Movement, they will Reset society according to their global governance agenda. In the end it will be the straight white powerful males who intend to gain power over everyone thanks to Darwin’s evolutionary foundation. Continue reading “Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself”