Was Paul a Rogue Disciple?

Every So Often in Church History Dispute Arises
Does Paul’s Gospel Differ from Jesus’ Gospel?

In our time there is another round of dispute comparing Paul’s Gospel with Jesus’ Gospel, and by implication the Apostle’s Gospel as they received their truth directly from Christ. Today’s dispute flies under the title of New Perspectives on Paul (NPP) which claims to bring new clarity to this discussion but actually engenders disputes (1Ti 6:20-21). First, what does the Bible teach? That should be the starting point for every godly discussion concerning the faith (Jude 18-21). Continue reading “Was Paul a Rogue Disciple?”

Illusion of Choice: Delusion

The Illusion of the Matrix was Choice
The Illusion of its Ending: One Had Choice

Neo, acronym for one, believed he would find choice if he could leave the Matrix. By becoming the One the Architect told him that his choice was already predetermined, even if by his own nature; thus, he still did not have choice. By dying he thought he was insuring choice for mankind’s survivors; however, they too were bound by their own natures. Thus, choice is always an illusion. This is the carrot of Lucifer, that the Lost have choice; unfortunately, the stick is that they have no choice for the things of God are rejected by their own natures as being foolish (1Co 2:14). Continue reading “Illusion of Choice: Delusion”

Fantastic Propaganda: Crimes Against You

J.K. Rollings latest “Wizarding World” movie
Propaganda – Not entertainment

Movies have always been the preferred medium of propaganda (Movies as Propaganda) since their inception. This was realized early on by Antonia Gramsci after the failure of revolutionary Marxism evidenced in World War One (WWI). This was embraced by the Fabian Society, Frankfurt School and others who sought to advance their international socialistic agenda via hegemony: manufactured consent of the people to enslave themselves.
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Looking at Labor on Labor Day

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient
World probably since days of Cain

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient World for one very salient reason: many occupations were not productive unless a large and cheap labor force was available. Agriculture, mining, artisan production and even wealthy households could not function without a cheap labor supply. With the emphasis on cheap slave labor was the usual source of cheap labor. Certainly it was one of the goals of conquest to capture a large labor supply for the conqueror and any surplus was sold abroad. Life for a slave could range from very brutal conditions, gallery oarsman, to very comfortable conditions, steward of a wealthy house hold like Joseph in Egypt (Ge 39:1-5). Without slavery the Ancient World would not have developed and our lives would be very different today. Continue reading “Looking at Labor on Labor Day”

Fruits of the Spirit is Forgiveness


This Representation of Forgiveness
Christ the Sinless One Forgiving Men

One of the most misunderstood teachings of Christ was the washing of the Apostles’ feet (Jo 13:5-20). Over the centuries many have argued for this ceremony to be included in church ordinances; however, Christ gave no such injunction. Christ did say we are to “wash each other’s feet” but not in actual washings. He was urging His Apostles, and us, to practice His metaphor, not perform His metaphor. Christ washing the feet of His Apostles was a metaphor of forgiveness which can only come from the Logos of God and each born from above person has the indwelling Logos of God (2Co 5:17).
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Churches Tolerance of Sin

Modernism equated to Enlightenment
Yet, it ushered in Postmodernism Darkness

Modernism simply put is the philosophical position that man does not need God though it stole its ethical morality from the Bible. Though equated to Enlightenment the Modern period ushered in Postmodernism which is simply spiritual darkness and its attendant confusion of morality. Churches were to be the bulwark against the encroaching darkness of the world; however, true to the church letters of Revelation churches are succumbing to then promoting the morality of the darkness. This confusion is evident in the Revoice Conference (Dangers of The Revoice Conference. Sovereign Nations.). Continue reading “Churches Tolerance of Sin”

Progressivism to Gradualism to Socialism to Globalism

Progressive Era: The integration of
National Socialism in America

Progressivism {Progressive Era} was America’s Middle Way to introduce socialism into society without revolution {Communism} or anarchy. While historians usually limit the span of Progressivism (1890-1920) I believe that it never ended but has constantly morphed via gradualism into socialism that permeated throughout American society on its way to join other socialist societies in a vast globalism dominated by the elite few. One might say that the European Union was but a limited experiment soon to be perpetrated on an ever expanding global scale.
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False Dilemmas Everywhere so Beware

This is an excellent example of the
False Dilemma Logical Fallacy

Though I have recently written about the false dilemma logical fallacy I believe that we should look at it again from a slightly different perspective as it is so prevalent in everyday discussions; especially in use by the media outlets to elevate their position over what they view as an opposing position.
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False Dilemma: Superstition or Education

False Narrative: Faith (Superstition)
Or Scientific Knowledge (Education)

On of the ignored false dilemmas of the 19th century was the deliberate pitting of faith, characterized as superstition, against scientific knowledge that was being developed and taught in public schools as fact.  This false dilemma continues today under many flags but its major characteristic is its reliance on the ignorance of its adherents.
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Jerusalem: Capital of Israel?

Jerusalem Under the Shadow of Zionism, Judaism,
Islam and Christianity; But Christ?

President Trump’s declaration that America would recognize Jerusalem as the legitimate capital of Israel was like tossing a branch into a hornet’s nest! Everyone had a reaction. Not surprising, Islamic adherents were vehement in their opposition, not so much because of the Mosque of Omar at the Temple Mount site, but because of their racial hatred of all Jews as enshrined in their holy books. The Jewish response was also not surprising since they have been seeking support from any powerful nation to help them realize this dream that was born with the United Nations declaration that gave birth to the modern nation of Israel. Yet, it was the reaction of Christians that should give one pause to ask if they even understand the very Scriptures they claim to use to guide them in their understanding of God and His plans?
Continue reading “Jerusalem: Capital of Israel?”