When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization

Social Contract Redefined in Great Reset

When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization!
Pandemic Relief Linked to Globalized Financial Goals?

Conspiracy Theory is a pejorative to delegitimize opposition without having to logically defend one’s position; hence, it becomes a logical fallacy that shows the weakness of one’s true position. This is the purpose of secretive plans; to prevent detection until such time as detection no longer matters; or, to put it more succinctly, “Resistance is futile!” Our last post, The Social Contract Myth, discussed the foundational mythology to keep the masses distracted while Control was slowly consolidated through various mechanisms. Hence, conspiracy theories abounded. I would not be surprised if the powers that be were not also encouraging these to keep you distracted from the ultimate goal. Now however, these powers that be are writing the articles revealing, in stages, their immediate goals for you. The Conspiracy Theory turned Reality in your time! Continue reading “When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization”

The Social Contract Myth

Locke's Social Contract Republicanism

The Social Contract Myth Underpins Modern Age
Becoming Foundation for Democracy and Socialism

The concept of The Social Contract has become the de facto justification for allegiance to government in the Modern Age, post Dark Ages through today. It coincided with the rise of the nation-state and grew out of the Enlightenment Age’s need to justify why citizens should accept this new form of government on the brink of the Industrial Age which would bring serfs prosperity, education and a greater participation in government. In other words, the Social Contract was simply Satan’s ploy to short-circuit the benefits of the Industrial Age and return people to slavery; or serfdom if one prefers a more polite word. Continue reading “The Social Contract Myth”

Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopian Reality

Entryism Reflexivity Fertile Fallacies Strategy

Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopia;
Revealed in Metropolis Movie; Ignored by Masses

As I discussed in my previous post, Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today,  Entryism is the infiltration of a major group by a lesser group to achieve the lesser group’s goals. Entryism works in conjunction with Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies, both of which are lies, so that people’s action are altered to make the lies become true; self fulfilling prophecy. Let us apply Entryism to Robotics to determine the true goal from the propaganda goal designed for your acceptance of your own enslavement (Ro 6:6-11). Continue reading “Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopian Reality”

Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today

Don Quixote Inquisition Defense

Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today;
Swaying YOU to Choose Socialism and Slavery

Another day, another new term and another bridge to die on so it seems; except, there is nothing new under the sun (Ec 1:9-12). Our new word, old concept, for today is entryism {What does entryism mean? The New Statesman (UK ed.) 10 Aug 2016.}. Its modern iteration is traced back to Mr. Trotsky who folded his Communist League into the Socialist Party to take Control of the latter (1934); i.e., “any group that enters a larger organisation with the intention of subverting its policies and objectives.” How does this mesh with the fictional work, Don Quixote? Miguel de Cervantes, author, wrote of a man ready to face the Inquisition to defend his work of a delusional man who could not face reality; a man who appeared to see the best in others while not understanding the reality of his position until it so intruded so forcibly into his consciousness that he died rather than face himself. Most people today, to the delight of Satan who remains a shadow in the background, choose to live within their given delusion than understand Truth (2Th 2:3-12; Re 12:9). What is Truth (Jn 18:37-38)? Pilate asked Christ because he could not grasp God’s truth of life. He chose death when he condemned Christ to death to please the False Jews, and save himself (Jn 19:12-16). Let us view entryism in history: biblical and secular as if there were a difference. Continue reading “Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today”

What is the Desolating Abomination of Daniel?

Dr Faucci Awarded AHA Award??

What is the Desolating Abomination of Daniel?
Why Did American Humanist Association Reward Him?

To answer these two questions requires we understand the Modern Age to grasp what is occurring in our Postmodern period and its relationship to science, scientism and science fiction; oh yes, there is a smattering of philosophy along the way because it is man’s wisdom guided by Satan that pushes this process to his ultimate conclusion (Jn 8:44). Ancient man through Medeival Man was primarily ruled by overt religious beliefs. Primarily these beliefs were anti-God because one’s sin nature hates God and rejects God’s Truth in any form (Ps 51:5; Ro 1:18-28). Early Christianity, Roman Catholicism (RCC), absorbed Augustine’s Neo-Platonism and Valentinus’ Gnosticism while later RCC imported Aquinas’ Aristotelianism. The merging of these various competing philosophies was known as Scholasticism. Then the Renaissance threw off all forms of god-type beliefs focusing on Man: The Measure of All. The Modern Age began. Continue reading “What is the Desolating Abomination of Daniel?”

Minimum Wage Self-Impoverishment

People Advocating Their Enslavement

Minimum Wage Self-Impoverishment;
These Workers Advocating Self-Enslavement

I was grocery shopping in a major outlet which allowed me to connect to their Wi-Fi and with their app I could scan my purchases on the fly as I bagged them then scan a barcode at the automated register, pay and walk out of the store. This great convenience allowed me to get in and out quicker than using a human teller or the usual self-checker devices at the check-out counter. I was thinking, “Modern advantages of the digital age; ain’t it wonderful!” Then I got to thinking not only of how many tellers were replaced by automation but how many tellers was I replacing for my convenience? This was a result of the evil Minimum Wage push engineered during the 20th century which harmed the very people it was supposed to help. Duped by Socialism; again. Continue reading “Minimum Wage Self-Impoverishment”

Economy Controls Government, Business and You

Socialistic Propaganda Ignores Personal Responsibility

Economy Controls Government, Business and You
Socialism Propagandizes Fixed Division: Its Goal

My previous post, Fallacy of Science Truth and Scientism’s Control of You, showed the fundamental role of energy Control played in Controlling YOU! Yet, while energy Control affects every aspect of society, there is something even more fundamental that affects even energy; the economy. I eluded to this toward the end of that post when I mentioned Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC); the coming globalized Control of Everything {THE GLOBAL PLAN TO CONTROL SOCIETY WITH CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES. Carter Heavy Industries.}. This post postulates that Man has always embraced socialism as the preferred economic form. This is becoming increasingly preferred by those people it controls due to the effective use of propaganda in various forms including government funded education! Continue reading “Economy Controls Government, Business and You”

Fallacy of Science Truth and Scientism’s Control of You

Energy Control Based on Scientism

Fallacy of Science Truth and
Scientism’s Control of You

Modern ecology movement, green earth utopia, targeted so-called fossil fuels as a major contributor destroying earth. It was further demonized in Climate Change models by contributing carbon dioxide (CO2) which supposedly abnormally warmed the earth leading to catastrophic death of Man and the environment. We have a serious problem as fossil fuels provide the energy to power industry that lifted Man from slavery to Middle Class as never before in history. In fact, petrochemicals are the basis for nearly every aspect of modern life and health. Since the 1960s people have been sounding the alarm that we are selfishly using up a non-renewable resource to leave future generations to shiver and die in the misery and cold because of our selfishness. But, is their basic assumption correct? Are petrochemicals derived from fossil fuels? Are these resources nonrenewable and thus limited? What is the science? Continue reading “Fallacy of Science Truth and Scientism’s Control of You”

Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement

Melting Pot Concept Not Defined

Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement;
Myth of America’s Melting Pot Unification

In my previous post, Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?, I introduced the revolutionary concept of Satan pitting different General Wills against each other to obtain the strongest General Will or government for his purpose; enslavement of Man. While we see this play out on the world stage as national socialistic governments are being merged into regional socialisms on the path to globalization; I make the case that this modern experiment was first begun by Satan with the colonization of America. Satan, ever the experimenter, tested the feasibility of this concept in our country using the Melting Pot Concept, just as he used America’s Constitutional “United States”  to test the feasibility of the future United Nations globalization government first advanced by President Wilson as the League of Nations. Let us see history through God’s eyes (2Th 2:3-12). Continue reading “Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement”

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?

Rousseau Government's Truth

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?
It is the Heart of Rousseau’s Concept of Truth

I have dealt with this concept of General Will beginning with, Father of the Never Ending Revolution, Rousseau. History is the key to understanding today but Satan is the master of delusion; is the concept of General Will valid or relevant for today and if so, under what label does it persist? Postmodernism claims to be new but in fact its lie was evident in the first sin when Satan deliberately misrepresented God’s words to Woman creating doubt in her mind to tempt her to substitute her truth for God’s truth (Ge 3:1-5; Ro 1:18-28). Today it flies under the radar by another name, worldview. It is in this iteration that it has entered Christianity to wreck havoc in the Church {Pergamum and Thyatira for examples} (Re 2:12-29). Rousseau would have been proud of his work. Continue reading “Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?”